The TGB Supplements Blog was created to keep everyone up to date on all of the latest and greatest supplement information. The TGB Supplements website ( www.tgbsupplements.com ) has over 6000+ products and is always growing. In that 6000+ products some of the supplements are good, some are bad, and some are ugly. We will use this blog to discuss all three types in great detail. We will showcase our latest and greatest hot products and break them down in a way that explains how they work.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Rich Pianas 5% Nutrition Restocked at TGB Supplements
Hey all we have just received our latest shipment of the 5% nutrition line. With his crea-ten a 10 stage creatine blend. If your interested in any of his products let us know they are an instore only brand and cant be sold online so give us a call if your interested.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
TGB Supplements Daily BlowOuts.
You can check it out on anabolic minds we have a thread started where daily we will put up a product that we will blowout to try to move .http://anabolicminds.com/forum/supplement-deals/264789-tgb-daily-blowout.html.
These products will be sold at crazy low prices and the stock is low on the deals possibly even only one unit on the deal.
These products will be sold at crazy low prices and the stock is low on the deals possibly even only one unit on the deal.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
New Formastanzol V3 avaliable at TGB Supplements!!
Get the new formastanzol v3 now at TGB Supplements at a great price. Check it out https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-15845-mr-supps-formastanzol-v3.aspx
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Pre-Order Black Lion Research Rebirth NOW.
You can pre-order your Black Lion Research Rebirth now at TGB Supplements. Get yours while you can this is sure to go very fast. We are getting as many units as we can from BLR to make sure we can take care of everyone. https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-15839-black-lion-research-rebirth.aspx
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Products that can assist you in getting lean for summer time.
If you struggle sometimes to find a good direction to follow in search of a leaner you then look no further we will help set you on the right path with some great supplements to utilize that will definitely aid in your quest of shredding off some of those final pounds. Also check with your Dr before starting any of these products.
Thermogenics- These will aid in boosting your metabolism and can help control your cravings. Some even have compounds like yohimbe which is great for fasted cardio in the morning because it allows you to tap into fat storage to use as fuel.
Thyroid Booster- These products will help increase your natural production of your thyroid hormones which can make a big difference in your metabolism if your production is low.
GDA [Glucose Disposal Agents]- These products can shuttle any excess of carbs away and will help not to store them as fat.
Additives- These are a more exotic approach and are not typical products but if you are looking to maximize results they will make a good difference.
Antaeus Labs Lipomorph- This product will change over our white fat which cant be expended as fuel to a brown fat which is readily available to be burnt off. It takes a little while for this conversion to happen but the results are worth it.
E-Pharm Pump Spray- This is a topical fat loss product which sounds to good to be true. I was skeptical myself but since it was made from patrick arnold legendary chemist i gave it a shot and it does what it says within 2 weeks you notice better separation and fat loss between the muscles.
Thermogenics- These will aid in boosting your metabolism and can help control your cravings. Some even have compounds like yohimbe which is great for fasted cardio in the morning because it allows you to tap into fat storage to use as fuel.
Thyroid Booster- These products will help increase your natural production of your thyroid hormones which can make a big difference in your metabolism if your production is low.
GDA [Glucose Disposal Agents]- These products can shuttle any excess of carbs away and will help not to store them as fat.
Additives- These are a more exotic approach and are not typical products but if you are looking to maximize results they will make a good difference.
Antaeus Labs Lipomorph- This product will change over our white fat which cant be expended as fuel to a brown fat which is readily available to be burnt off. It takes a little while for this conversion to happen but the results are worth it.
E-Pharm Pump Spray- This is a topical fat loss product which sounds to good to be true. I was skeptical myself but since it was made from patrick arnold legendary chemist i gave it a shot and it does what it says within 2 weeks you notice better separation and fat loss between the muscles.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Top 5 Leanest Mass Gainers
This is a group of mass gainers that have the cleanest profiles in our opinion and are not listed in any particular order.
1. Universal Nutrition Real Gains- Providing 53grm protein, 84grm carbohydrate and 6grm of fat and it tastes great a great one to look into for sure.https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-1159-universal-nutrition-real-gains.aspx
2. Iforce Nutrition Mass Gainz- Providing 40grm protein, 75grm carbohydrate and 10grm of fat. It uses all low glycemic carbs which is a plus.https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-14524-iforce-nutrition-mass-gainz.aspx
3. Rule1 R1 Gain- Providing 50grm protein, 75grm carbohydrate and 5grm of fat. It offers a unique 1.5-1 ratio of carb to protein.https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-15643-rule-1-r1-gain-5lb.aspx
4. Dymatize Elite Mass- Providing 54grm of protein, 75grm carbohydrate and 7grm of fat. Great formula and they utilize ajipure amino acids which are top shelf.https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-13981-dymatize-elite-mass.aspx
5.iSatori Hyper-Gro- Providing 25grm of protein, 24grm carbohydrate and 4grm of fat. They include cluster dextrin and their bio-gro at the full 3grm dose with betaine and creatine for a unique lean mass gainer.https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-15790-isatori-hyper-gro.aspx
Anyone of these gainers would be a great compliment to your program. They are all high quality and use very great ingredients if your looking to put some extra tissue on give one of these a shot.
1. Universal Nutrition Real Gains- Providing 53grm protein, 84grm carbohydrate and 6grm of fat and it tastes great a great one to look into for sure.https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-1159-universal-nutrition-real-gains.aspx
2. Iforce Nutrition Mass Gainz- Providing 40grm protein, 75grm carbohydrate and 10grm of fat. It uses all low glycemic carbs which is a plus.https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-14524-iforce-nutrition-mass-gainz.aspx
3. Rule1 R1 Gain- Providing 50grm protein, 75grm carbohydrate and 5grm of fat. It offers a unique 1.5-1 ratio of carb to protein.https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-15643-rule-1-r1-gain-5lb.aspx
4. Dymatize Elite Mass- Providing 54grm of protein, 75grm carbohydrate and 7grm of fat. Great formula and they utilize ajipure amino acids which are top shelf.https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-13981-dymatize-elite-mass.aspx
5.iSatori Hyper-Gro- Providing 25grm of protein, 24grm carbohydrate and 4grm of fat. They include cluster dextrin and their bio-gro at the full 3grm dose with betaine and creatine for a unique lean mass gainer.https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-15790-isatori-hyper-gro.aspx
Anyone of these gainers would be a great compliment to your program. They are all high quality and use very great ingredients if your looking to put some extra tissue on give one of these a shot.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Great ingredients to boost your overall health profile oncycle or anytime.
Here are a few ingredients that can help you on cycle or off to maintain a better health profile.
1. Coq10- CoQ10 is sometimes hailed as a natural “wonder drug” as it has so many positive effects, including well-documented effects on the heart, blood pressure, and fertility. Studies also show reduced fatigue and enhanced peak power in athletes.
2. Hawthorne Berry- Hawthorne is highly recognized as a superstar herb for the heart and cardiovascular system. It has the ability to dilate (enlarge or open) the coronary arteries (the vessels that supply blood to the heart), thus improving blood and oxygen supply to the heart muscle. It also strengthens the hearts pumping ability (muscle), helping the heart to beat more forcefully and efficiently.
3. Sam e.- S-adenosylmethionine is an endogenous methyl group donor and precursor to glutathione, which may be able to prevent androgen-induced cholestasis and liver injury. SAMe can inhibit bile acid-induced hepatocyte apoptosis, [10][11][12] downregulates expression of the inflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha, [13][14] and can reduce oxidative stress via glutathione replenishment, [15] which may also play a role in ameliorating the effects of cholestasis. [16] SAMe has been studied extensively as a safe and effective treatment for pregnancy-induced cholestasis, [17][18][19] and, in a case study, was even shown to reverse severe androgen-induced cholestasis. [20] Due to its distinct mechanism of action, it has an additive effect when used alongside UDCA/TUDCA. [10][18]
4. Tudca- Tauroursodeoxycholic acid: Can prevent apoptosis during cholestasis. Toxic bile acids produce apoptosis Via fas- and TRAIL- death receptor mediated pathways. Both are, to some degree, dependent on the translocation of the 'bax' pro-apoptoic molecule from the cytosol of hepatocytes to the cell mitochondria. TUDCA prevents bax translocation, strongly stabilizes mitochondrial membranes, and activates the MAPK pro-survival pathway in hepatocytes. (1) These effects protect hepatocytes from bax-related apoptosis.
-Is a hydrophilic bile acid, and its presence markedly shifts the bile pool towards hydrophilicity, which, to some extent, detoxifies it. When used consistently, especially at pharmacological doses, TUDCA (along with UDCA) eventually becomes the predominant bile acid in the liver and in general circulation. (2)
-Directly stimulates bile secretion via modulating cellular signalling pathways in hepatocytes, such as ERK, src, PKC and others. These signalling pathways generally phosphorylate, or activate, the bile salt export pump (BSEP) and other processes involved in bile export/secretion. (For example, PKC-alpha-mediated secretion of HCO3-.) (3, 4, 5)
Friday, February 6, 2015
5 Natural Anabolics that deliver steroid like results that you might not have heard about.
We have complied a list of natural anabolics that we have used ourselves as well as got feedback from our customers on the results they have received. These are not listed in any particular order.
1. Laxogenin. This ingredient boosts protein synthesis similar to anabolics without any shutdown or suppression. https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-15129-iron-forged-nutrition-most-wanted.aspx
2. Arachidonic Acid. This ingredient has a role in muscle growth beyond just that of being a prostaglandin precursor. It has been shown in studies to serve as the core stimulus for protein synthesis. https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-15669-sns-x-gels.aspx.
3. Ecdysterone. This Ingredient is great for promoting a positive nitrogen balance in the body, helping with tissue regeneration and strength increases at a more rapid rate, while helping maintain blood glucose levels which will allow you to absorb your nutrients more efficiently. https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-15129-iron-forged-nutrition-most-wanted.aspx.
4. (-) Epicatechin. This ingredient will help promote Muscle mass,Fat loss,Strength,Increased endurance,Pump,Recomp,Decreased HDL,decreased triglycerides,New vein growth for more vascularity and improved oxygen and nutrient transport https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-13594-black-lion-research-follidrone.aspx.
5. Phosphaditic Acid. PA-activated mTOR directly affects immediate and long-term changes in muscle growth. Simply put, if you want to gain muscle, you have to activate mTOR. And the more PA available to activate mTOR, the greater the effect on intracellular protein synthesis and the greater the muscle mass gains. https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-14038-cutler-nutrition-king-60-ea.aspx.
These ingredients will deliver shocking results if you have never utilized them before and seen what they can deliver in a short period of time. You can take your training and physique to the next level simply but utilizing one or all of these ingredients and the best part is they can be taken year round no need to be cycled except the Arachadonic Acid which is a 50 on 50 off protocol.
1. Laxogenin. This ingredient boosts protein synthesis similar to anabolics without any shutdown or suppression. https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-15129-iron-forged-nutrition-most-wanted.aspx
2. Arachidonic Acid. This ingredient has a role in muscle growth beyond just that of being a prostaglandin precursor. It has been shown in studies to serve as the core stimulus for protein synthesis. https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-15669-sns-x-gels.aspx.
3. Ecdysterone. This Ingredient is great for promoting a positive nitrogen balance in the body, helping with tissue regeneration and strength increases at a more rapid rate, while helping maintain blood glucose levels which will allow you to absorb your nutrients more efficiently. https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-15129-iron-forged-nutrition-most-wanted.aspx.
4. (-) Epicatechin. This ingredient will help promote Muscle mass,Fat loss,Strength,Increased endurance,Pump,Recomp,Decreased HDL,decreased triglycerides,New vein growth for more vascularity and improved oxygen and nutrient transport https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-13594-black-lion-research-follidrone.aspx.
5. Phosphaditic Acid. PA-activated mTOR directly affects immediate and long-term changes in muscle growth. Simply put, if you want to gain muscle, you have to activate mTOR. And the more PA available to activate mTOR, the greater the effect on intracellular protein synthesis and the greater the muscle mass gains. https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-14038-cutler-nutrition-king-60-ea.aspx.
These ingredients will deliver shocking results if you have never utilized them before and seen what they can deliver in a short period of time. You can take your training and physique to the next level simply but utilizing one or all of these ingredients and the best part is they can be taken year round no need to be cycled except the Arachadonic Acid which is a 50 on 50 off protocol.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Follidrone Sale at TGB Supplements.
You can use the code folli for a 10% discount off of black lion research follidrone. Get yours while you can the stock is diminishing fast. https://www.tgbsupplements.com/p-13594-black-lion-research-follidrone.aspx
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