Friday, December 30, 2016

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Nsaids and Protein Synthesis

NSAIDs and Muscle Building
According to research published in the The Physician and Sports Medicine, since NSAIDs are over-the-counter (OTC) medications and aren't banned from competition by the World Anti-Doping Agency, "athletes often self-administer these medications to prevent pain and inflammation before it occurs. However, scientific evidence for this approach is currently lacking, and athletes should be aware of the potential risks in using NSAIDs as a prophylactic agent. These agents are not benign and can produce significant side effects, including gastrointestinal and cardiovascular conditions as well as musculoskeletal and renal side effects.

But that's not all: there are also performance side effects for the weightlifter to consider. Drugs such as ibuprofen are classified as COX inhibitors, and since COX (cyclooxygenase) activity is a critical component of muscular hypertrophy, there's a clear link: Ibuprofen can inhibit muscular hypertrophy.
In fact, previous research suggests that treatment with ibuprofen can reduce muscle hypertrophy by almost 50 percent, which means that taking a COX inhibitor may very well be counterproductive for muscle gains.
While these are intriguing findings, we must keep in mind that these studies were conducted in rodent models. The research still needs to be scrutinized since a handful of studies have also been done on humans and have yielded conflicting results.
One of the first human studies to support the notion that NSAIDs may blunt protein synthesis was published in the American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology, and Metabolism.4 Participants were given the maximal over-the-counter dose for ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or a placebo following 10-14 sets of eccentric knee extensors.
Researchers found that rates of protein synthesis were suppressed in groups taking the NSAIDs. Results from this study support the earlier findings that NSAIDs may negatively influence protein metabolism in skeletal muscle.
Research suggests that treatment with ibuprofen can reduce muscle hypertrophy by almost 50 percent.
However, more recent research on human subjects has demonstrated that NSAIDs do not necessarily impact muscle protein synthesis as much as previously thought. In fact, there are several studies that have found chronic supplementation (12 weeks) actually improved muscle strength and size.
The problem with these studies, however, is that each have their own limitations we must consider. For example, a majority of the research on NSAIDs as it relates to muscle protein synthesis has been done in untrained individuals; hence, the results might yield a different outcome on athletes who are already active and have a larger degree of muscle mass than an untrained person.
Some of the research also looked at only older subjects with osteoarthritis; thus, these results might not be indicative of results for healthy, active individuals. Finally, some of these studies only looked at the effects of NSAIDs on the acute changes in muscular hypertrophy, and these findings may not reflect the long-term adaptations to muscular hypertrophy with prolonged use of NSAIDs.
While there's certainly a time and place to utilize NSAIDs, the key takeaway is that they should be used with caution, in relatively moderate dosages, and for short periods of time.

An article published in the Critical Journal of Sport Medicine discussed the practical management of NSAIDs in athletic injuries and concluded that NSAIDs are not recommended in the treatment of completed fractures, stress fractures at higher risk of nonunion, or in chronic muscle injuries.
While the authors of the article recommended NSAIDs for the management of acute ligament strains, muscle strains, tendinitis, and eccentric muscle injury, they cautioned that the prescription of the NSAID should be judicious and the length of treatment should be kept as short as possible.
NSAIDS can help with short-term pain management, but their use should be minimized not only because of their potential long-term side effects, but also the impact they may have on making substantial gains in muscle mass.
Even with some conflicting research, this much is clear: Don't reach for a bottle of ibuprofen every time you have a slight bout of DOMS. Recognize that the inflammation you're experiencing is part of the muscle-building process, and save NSAIDs for when you really need them.

In a nutshell, we need to keep anti-inflammatory to a minimum to keep protein synthesis as high as possible to accumulate maximum tissue in the shortest time possible.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Update! New health side effects on Rad-140

Check out our video on Rad-140 and our experiences and bloods pre and post Rad-140.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Tomatidine the next level of natural anabolics!

Titan from Antaeus Labs


-Highly potent anabolic.
-Non-hormonal, thus no need for PCT or liver/cycle support.
-Heart-healthy, may assist with lipid and cholesterol support.
-Naturally extracted from the tomato plant.
-Complexed with shilajit for vastly enhanced solubility and bioavailability.
-Shilajit may assist with muscle growth and may provide testosterone support.
TITAN is Tomatidine -- simply the most potent natural anabolic available. [1-3] In a direct comparison to ursolic acid, it was shown to be nearly 10-fold more potent. It was also discovered to be nearly 5-fold more orally bioavailable. It increases mTOR signalling in skeletal muscle, inhibits the ATF4 pathway, and dramatically stimulates protein synthesis. Of particular benefit to power athletes and bodybuilders is the fact that it stimulates growth primarily in Type IIb and Type IIx muscle fibers -- the power fibers with the most potential for growth.
Although tomatidine is, as previously mentioned, more orally bioavailable than ursolic acid, it still displays extremely poor aqueous solubility -- estimated at 0.000189 mg/mL [4] -- which places hard limits on its oral bioavailability. To sidestep this issue, we've complexed tomatidine with shilajit. Shilajit, which has been used as a tonic and rejuvenating agent for centuries, is a fully water-soluble mixture of fulvic acids, humic acids, and minerals. Much like cyclodextrins, it is capable of binding small molecules like tomatidine and forming amorphous, water-soluble complexes. [5-7] Our tomatidine-shilajit complex is orders of magnitude more water-soluble than pure tomatidine, a fact which boosts its bioavailability to heights otherwise out of reach.
The fact that shilajit has itself been shown to assist with muscle growth, and boost testosterone levels in healthy young men, is just a bonus. [8-9]
As is the fact that tomatidine is proven heart-healthy, and may be able to assist with cholesterol and lipid support. [10-11]
...The important thing is that TITAN is the most potent natural anabolic available.
Accept no substitute. TITAN has been rigorously tested, results are publicly available, and a patent is pending. TITAN uses top-quality tomatidine (standardized to over 95% purity) and shilajit (standardized to 50%+ fulvic acids).

If your looking to take your physique to the next level and want to stay on the natural route then look nor think any further then titan 

Get it Here at TGB Supplements

Monday, December 5, 2016

Trenbolone The King Of Anabolics!

Trenbolone is probably the greatest anabolic of all time with repatitioning capabilities matched by none this compound can change your physique in a way no other anabolic or combo can. But this comes with a price as trenbolone can be not the most user friendly compound. Check out our video on how to get the most out of trenbolone and even if its for you!

Monday, November 28, 2016

LGD-3303 The Cutting Edge In The World Of Sarms!

LGD-3303 is the latest and greatest in the Sarm World many say it rivals the oral anabolics of old in sheer potency in size and strength with a lot cleaner feel "Health Wise" and Quality of look meaning lack of a lot of water retention. There is not a lot of studies that has been done yet as its a fairly new Sarm but it shows tons of potential. Half life is 2.5-5hrs so this means dosing multiple times per day is going to be best to keep a stable blood level of the compound 2-3 times is going to be best here. From what we have seen from customers we have spoken to about their experiences with this compound the average is 10-15lbs gained in 4weeks with no lethargic feeling or toxic feel to where you cant wait for it to be over and destroying your appetite. It seems to be like a Hybrid between Rad-140 and Ostarine in my opinion Great anabolic effect with an increase in bone mineralization and a great glycogen loading effect like the Rad-140. As more studies are shown and done it will be exciting to see what all comes to light about this interesting compound! But in the mean time we made a video giving all the info we could dig up and even our personal uses

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Rhodiola A Great Adaptogen!

 Rhodiola Rosea also known as “golden root” is an adaptogen herb with tremendous fat burning, energy enhancing and brain boosting power. Adaptogens are a group of plants that can help your body adapt to physical, chemical, and environmental stress and rhodiola is one of the most effective in this family showing improvements in these departments burning Belly Fat, increased energy, athletic performance, lowering cortisol, fighting depression and improving brain function as well as an increased immune system. This unique herb grows at high altitudes in the arctic areas of Asia and Eastern Europe. Rhodiola has been used extensively over the past 70 years mostly for improving work performance, insomnia, fatigue, depression, and increasing athletic endurance. One of the many incredible characteristics of rhodiola benefits is that it helps your body burn stored fat as fuel.  Rhodiola contains an active compound called rosavin that has been proven to trigger a fat burning response in your body. Rosavin works by stimulating an enzyme called hormone-sensitive lipase which has the ability to breakdown fat that is stored in adipose tissue in the stomach area.  Also, human clinical studies found that if you combine taking rhodiola extract with doing moderate exercise the breakdown of belly fat increases even more from the increase in the hormone sensitive lipase. Rhodiola can increase your stamina, oxygen efficency and endurance by increasing your red blood cell count.  Red blood cells (RBC) carry oxygen to muscles, and having a higher count can dramatically improve an athlete’s performance and delay fatigue.  Rhodiola benefits work by boosting EPO also known as erythropoetin which stimulates RBC production.
 Rhodiola is one of the powerhouses of the Most Wanted Black Formula providing great anti-catabolic support and adaptogenic effects.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tyrosol a super potent antioxidant and new ingredient!


 Tyrosol is a phenylethanoid, a derivative of phenethyl alcohol. It is a natural phenolic antioxidant present in a variety of natural sources The principal source in the human diet is olive oil. As an antioxidant, tyrosol can protect cells against injury due to oxidation. Although it is not as potent as other antioxidants present in olive oil, its higher concentration and good bioavailability indicate that it may have an important overall effect. This effect may contribute significantly to the health benefits of olive oil and, more generally, the Mediterranean diet. The main job of any antioxidant is to protect cells and tissue from oxidative injury. Oxidative injuries to the brain can cause Parkinson’s disease as well as Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Oxidative injuries can also cause cancer and heart disease. A phenolic antioxidant Tyrosol present in white wine is also shown to be cardioprotective.Tyrosol is an antioxidant that is naturally present in several foods such as wines and green tea. It protects cells against oxidative damage. Tyrosol presents a significant antioxidant effect in olive due to its good bioavailability and its high concentration. Tyrosol has also a neuroprotective effect on the brain.
Tyrosol is shown to be cardioprotective, and has shown that tyrosol-treated animals showed significant increase in the phosphorylation of Akt, eNOS and FOXO3a. In addition, tyrosol also induced the expression of longevity protein SIRT1 in the heart after myocardial infarction in a rat MI model. These findings suggest that tyrosol induces myocardial protection against ischemia related stress by inducing survival and longevity proteins that may be considered as anti-aging therapy for the heart.
Tyrosol is one of the strongest antioxidants on the planet. It can get rid of inflammatory free radicals ten times better than green tea, and twice as well as CoQ10. But tyrosol’s main effect is that it turns on a group of longevity genes called “forkhead box” genes, or FOXOs. FOXO genes are part of the equation your body uses to signal your cells to begin telomere repair. Think of FOXO genes as a kind of gauge, they determine if you have enough antioxidants for repairs to begin. When there’s too much oxidation, too many free radical attacks, your body can’t keep up with telomere repair. But, when your oxidative stress is lowered your body can get ahead of the game. This is why antioxidants are so important. They protect your cells while your body makes repairs. After FOXOs give the green light for telomere repair, they also have another role. They shut down aging of certain cells when under oxidative attack. Tyrosol then directly increases amounts of the body’s “master antioxidant,” superoxide dismutase “SOD”

This is an awesome ingredient with amazing antioxidant effects the oldest person in the world recorded was over 122yrs old and she used a ton of olive oil and even applied it topically daily and she felt it was a big contributor to her health. Also why the Mediterranean diet has great improvement in health markers. So include more olive oils in your diet lol.

Iron Forged Nutrition Most Wanted Black is the only product on the market that has this amazing ingredient

Best Testosterone Booster For You

Check out our video on testboosters to find out which one is best for you!

Monday, November 21, 2016

All About Anamorelin!

Check out the latest and greatest mass builder anamorelin a growth hormone releasing secretagogue.