Sunday, April 12, 2015

Nutrient Powerhouse: This one nutrient can aid in both cutting and bulking regimines!

HMB originates from the essential branched-chain amino acid Leucine. This nutrient can be found in very small amounts from various parts of our diets (catfish and citrus fruits) and can also be produced within our body (¼ to 1 gram per day). HMB can aid in both the repair from and resistance to muscle damage. It also supports a positive protein balance considering its ability to reduce protein catabolism within the body. This allows for more protein to be shuttled into the muscle cells to create an atmosphere for more growth and repair of lean muscle mass. Given this fact, HMB can be used for both bulking and cutting regimens. When combined with a BCAA supplement, its anti-catabolic (prevention of muscle wasting) effects are amplified and more muscle tissue will be protected from breaking down.

There have been several studies over the years that have proven the effectiveness of HMB with increasing endurance, muscle mass, strength, and aerobic performance in athletes. Although HMB originates from Leucine, supplementing Leucine alone into your diet will not allow for a high enough concentration of HMB to secrete into the bloodstream. Once Leucine filters through the liver, only 5% is oxidized for HMB. For example, 1g of Leucine would allow for .05g of HMB. An effective dose is measured to be 3g per day to result in a positive benefit and no adverse side effects are known to be associated with HMB.

In short, HMB is an effective and fairly cheap addition to either a bulking or cutting diet. When stacked with a BCAA supplement the anti-catabolic effects are even greater. Increases in strength, lean muscle mass, and endurance have all been proven to be associated with this nutrient.

-Pete M

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