Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Increasing Muscle Volume With These Simple Ingredients

Looking for a way to increase your muscle cell volume then check these proven ingredients out.
They can be utilized individually for results or stack them together for the ultimate pump.

1. Creatine Monohydrate- Creatine supports cell volumization via direct and indirect mechanisms. As an important muscle osmolyte, creatine directly increases cell volume by pulling additional water into the cell when it's absorbed.

2.L-Glutamine- Similar to Creatine, L-Glutamine seems to have a "loading period" whereby taking higher doses of this amino acid, sometimes as high as 10-15 grams per day, may cause a rapid increase in cell volumization and muscle hardness thus leading to greater muscular gains. 

3.Glycerol Monostearate- is the most advanced cell volumization breakthrough ever to hit the market.  Glycerol will intensify cell volume, aid the osmotic effects of creatine, and enhance the natural anabolic responses of weightlifting. Glycerol may help give the user awesome gains in size, strength and vascularity.

4.Taurine- is the second most abundant amino in muscle tissue and has a number of important benefits to bodybuilders. Taurine has demonstrated muscle cell volumizing effects, which can help to enhance protein synthesis. Taurine also has  insulin-mimicking effects, which can enhance glucose and amino acid metabolism.

5. Fast Digesting Carbohydrate- ''Vitargo'' Glucose delivery in between intense training sets supports muscle recovery and refueling to prepare for a strong subsequent set. Rest periods between sets are short, typically lasting one to a few minutes depending on the training program. That means that muscle fibers must quickly Re-GENR8 spent power sources (ATP and creatine phosphate) and increase the availability of readily available glucose. Glucose uptake into muscle fibers is increased during training and a greater influx can lead to increased performance deeper into multiple set exercises. This can lead to break-through workouts and a greater training stimulus for anabolic processes. The bottom line is that your muscle absolutely requires the fastest readily-usable fuel (glucose) for optimal high-intensity weight training performance.

In a nutshell the vitargo will work hand in hand with the volumizers by shuttling the nutrients into the newly enlarged cells causing massive increases in cellular hydration for skin splitting pumps. 

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